Spiral or Concentric Circle - About a Friend

The above is a typical sign to show that the next few scenes are flashback - in text format, the next few lines are flashbacks.
In the year 1994, i was in G-141 in PSG Tech hostels reading some magazine. One of my friend rushed to my room with a BASIC language book. Some idea had sparked in his mind and he wanted to share it with me. He discussed with me about coding a BASIC program to play the game HANGMAN. That time, i was new to computers. With my biology background in +2 and also my initial stream in engineering being Textile Technology, i did not show any interest with him, but just listened to his idea. It was simple graphics, but a great thinking by my friend.
Few months later, by the grace of reallocation, i moved to Electrical & Electronics Engineering. This time, my friend explained to me about a wonderful language called C, that he just started learning. I just watched him explain with lot of energy and enthusiasm about the power and simplicity of the language.
In the year 1996, we went to the same computer center to equip ourselves. When i was writing batch files and DOS programs to calculate C = A + B, he was writing an intelligent tester program using VB. I always followed his path...but, while he was going in giant leaps, i was just taking baby steps. I wrote my first calculator program in VB while he was testing his Carrom Board game written in VC++.
In the year 1997, i attended one of his class mainly because, there was my 'manpasand ladki' attending that session.
In 1998, I got placed in a mainframe giant company. He was placed in a company that develops products for specific segments. I was learning and debugging JCLs while he was building scripts in VC++. We used to discuss how polymorphism is implemented in C++. We used to exchange mails on the working of virtual and a friend functions OOP.
Later, we were not in touch for some time. Each one of us were busy in our own world. I got into the maintenance world, looking at some piece of code written by someone, even before i was born. Doing a very big enhancement of adding 3 instead of 2 to the final result.
Recently, i got a mail from him. After all the normal enquiries about each other, he announced that he had floated a company. It is a joint venture and he is like the Chief Technical / Information Officer. Wow, I was taken by surprise. I did not even dream anything close to that. I was proud of this guy.
The way the neurons fire and exchange information is very strange. I started with some strand of neurons and they fired to many adjacent neurons. I have converted the neuron responses into text and typed here. I need to go through it once again to see if it had made any sense.
before signing out, about the manpasand ladki - come on, everyone of us have a little cheran within ourselves waiting for his autograph!
Hi Bright,
Seems like there were two logical reasons why you wrote it ... Well maybe just one ... " Why you couldn't 'get' the neurons in your brain to 'dig' the neurons in your friend's brain or your manpasand ladki's brain :) "
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