An Electrical Engineer

I am an electrical engineer. I did my engineering from one of the prestigeous colleges in Tamilnadu / India. Okay, so what? What am i doing now?
I spent four years
1. struggling with maths-I, maths-II, maths-III, engineering maths...
2. learning Kirchoff's current and voltage law...
3. understanding electron devices...
4. studying electrical machines...
Finally to do what, to draw four squares in all possible direction in the name of 'Defining a Strategy'.
Sometimes, when i am sitting alone and think about what i have done, it hurts. I am in a good job and drawing money out of it. But, what kind of job? A job that can be done by a science graduate or a diploma holder. The truth may be that, it is my engineering graduation that fetched me this job. But, the ground fact is that, because i got into this job, i spoiled
1. The better chance of an electrical engineer.
2. The career opportunity for an aspiring science graduate.
- What did Kirchoff, Ohm, Ampere, do to me?
- How is L'Hospital rule, Calculas, trigonometry helping me?
- Where are my electrons, protons, neutrons, transistors, flip flops, micro processors?
- Where are my synchoronous machines, dc machines, transformers?
- What am i doing with MS word or MS Excel?
- What am i doing with this program ? - be it COBOL or java - i did not even write this one
Whose problem is it? I may be branded the "Totally Confused Stupid" software engineer. But, am i a true engineer?. The work had totally spoiled me and made a dumbo that i need a calculator or an excel sheet to confirm that 2 + 2 is equal to 4.
"i was born intelligent; graduated knowledgeable; it is only my work that spoiled me" - is it the same kind of feeling that every engineering graduate in the software maintenance project feel?
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