Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Children’s Day

November 14, 2009


Children are the most wonderful people on Earth. They are innocent, honest, open minded and most importantly very quick learners.

I take this opportunity to wish all the children of this world a very happy children’s day*.

கவிஞர் கண்ணதாசன் எழுதியது போல்

எல்லா குழந்தையும் நல்ல குழந்தைதான் மண்ணில் பிறக்கையிலே ...
அவர் நல்லவர் ஆவதும் தீயவர் ஆவதும் அன்னை வளர்ப்பிலே!

* children’s day – celebrated on 14 November in India, in the remembrance of Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of Indian democracy, as a tribute to his love for children.

You can find details about the children’s day celebration around the world here.

So long,


Monday, November 09, 2009

Karuththu Yudhdham

28 Oct 2009 - Wednesday

Today, while having my dinner, i was watching a program in one of the tamil channels. The program name is “Karuththu Yudhdham” which translates to “the war of opinion”. The topic for discussion was - which one is successful - love marriage or arranged marriage?

Hmm … interesting! I was not interested in the topic in the first place as no one can take any side as they will not know the other side of it. For example, a love marriage couple may be happy – that is one instance; how do the same couple know how their life would have been if it was an arranged marriage – anybody’s guess..! it looks complicated, isn’t it? Yes, it is and it has to be – the topic is like that.

My personal opinion is that the arranged marriage is for “born losers”. They neither have the guts to propose / love a girl, nor the guts to express their love to their parents and get their approval.

An argument in that program was about the parent’s support in case of any dispute or conflict of interest among the couples. That makes the arranged marriage a success, it seems. Ha..ha.. good joke! Everyone’s problem is unique and People, please don’t generalize them. The TV channel should be banned / fined for selecting and broadcasting such topics.

BTW, i did not mean to insult “arranged marriage” as i myself belong to that category..!

