Yahoo never seem to stop amazing me! My first encounter with web e-mail, a search engine, sports site, blog, messenger - it was all set by Yahoo.
Recently, they surprised me with the choice of their CEO. I had multiple debates and coffee house chats with my friends to understand the fact on how a CEO will be chosen for a company. The most popular question asked will be: Assume that you are chosen as the CEO of yahoo. What will be your top most priority / action item to revive the company?
After some months, there are exciting twists to the web company. They acquired a news reader called Summly and signed a deal with drop box. I still do not understand how the summly and drop box will bring back the glory to the company. However, both appeared to be a *cool idea* - for any reason.
Drop box integration was an amazing idea - pure appliance of common sense / thought! Every one who had used drop box to store documents and used an email client to share documents would have thought about this need - at least, i had thought about this. But the missing link is the fire to provide a solution for the problem. That is definitely a unique attribute.
Not that it matters anyway, but the closest I could think were:
1. to share a common drop box account to avoid the email bandwidth
2. to use gmail as a file server / share.
In the mean time, how will you respond to the CEO query raised above? Please leave your comment!