Friday, December 26, 2014

Live the moment

As on December 26, 2014 - Chicagoland wakes up to yet another warm day. It was Christmas yesterday and yet there was no snow. It was not a WHITE CHRISTMAS this year. The day after Christmas was crisp, clear and fresh like a SPRING day.

As close as the mind could get to monkey business, not sure if this weather condition is something to feel happy about or feel worried about a much bigger problem in store - The Global Warning. I am not a scientist and also do not follow the weather forecasts very closely.   However, when the unexpected happens, like a warm winter like this, it brings some sort of imaginations [thanks to all the science fiction movies that i rent and watch from the public library].

One this sure - no mater what happens next, Live the Moment is the life saving secret mantra.

live long,