Desire to Compare
“Desire is the root cause of all evil”
This is what was taught in my elementary school social science class. As I grew up, I used to wonder what is the significance of this statement in a life’s purpose.
- What is desire?
- How to differentiate the “need vs. want” aspects of a desire?
- Why is the desire considered an evil?
While I continue to search for my answer to the above questions (and going in circles), I realized that more than “desire”, “comparison” could be a root cause of all evil.
Let me attempt to detail it using the “OREO” model.
Comparison is the root cause of all evil.
As long as there is no comparison, we are happy with what we have. Only when we start comparing what we have / achieved with others … the trouble starts.
I did not get a promotion or pay increase or recognition. This is just a statement. It gets emotional when I did not get promotion but …; I did not get a pay raise but …; I did not get the expected appreciation or recognition but …
The “evil” part of the emotional impact is the comparison that comes after the but… the other person (peer / sub-ordinate) got promotion / pay increase / recognition.
Opinion - revisited
Comparison is another root cause of evil
I wonder how we, as humans, developed this desire to compare? Is it part of our instinct? How did it evolve from our “flight” or “fight” approach to this “comparison” mode?
Share your thoughts by commenting. Happy reading (& less comparing)