April 1 - All these day, i used to remember this day as just a birthdate of one of my close friend. And from 2007 onwards, it is also one of my friend's wedding anniversary day.
But, today, i came across some funny internet pranks played by Google. So, decided to dedicate a picture blog for one of the most "innovative" systems on the web ;)
Here it goes.
1. Hmm... Google team has got some very nice thought for free "broadband" internet access...

2. Search your romantic Partner... the "google" way

3. Pepsi or Coke - Well, Why don't you try Google for a change?

4. How many of us are ready to work in the Lunar ODC for Google?

5. Have you ever wondered how google fetches the search results so quick? If yes, Find out the reason below...

6. And finally, do you want to send a paper mail [snail mail] using gmail ... here is how it can be done. Join the BETA program ...

The Gmail Paper had definitely made me curious. I was searching all over to find out how to subscribe for that facility - I must accept that it took a while for me to realise that today is April 1st and it is a high-tech prank call :) It was a great thinking though, what do you say?
BTW, as a thank you note to all my blog readers, i have sent out an invitation for a dinner get-together on 7th April in my lake view apartment in Bahrain. Did you receive it ? If you have not received it and you will be in Bahrain on that day, be my guest ! See you all there,